I've had less Beeminder goals for a while, and it's been sort of relaxing. But now that work and everything is in full gear again, extra curricular stuff obviously needs to be written down, or it just won't happen. I've been thinking about couple of things I want to do for at least a month, but so far haven't managed to do anything about them. So now I'm removing the option of not doing anything and kicking up a bunch of Beeminder goals for them.
Shine shoes
Winter is coming. It's time to get summer shoes in shape to be storaged and winter shoes in shape to be used. So from now on, I'm polising and maintaining at least one pair of shoes every week. This way, I'll be done in four months and can have a bit of a vacation before starting to get ready for summer!
Stretch etc.
I want to add some more physical activity into my weeks, so in addition of 3 days of working out, I'll be adding 3 days of stretching or Pilates or something. 15 minutes at least.
Learn new songs
It's also time to start adding some new songs into my repertoire. So at least one new song by heart per week. Doesn't matter what kind, how long, etc. Well enough to pull it off in quartet.
That'll probably keep me busy for a while. Maybe I'll try use Timely to clock these and see how long each task takes. You can check progress of the goals here.
Upgrading the Wetware