This is a sort of short and dirty list of things that I suppose are things I want to try out during the project. Some I have tried before and got results, some are things that are pretty commonly thought as being good for you. There will probably be a separate article on most of these later on...
The first one on the list. Just have to keep this in the equation. Can't be bothered to have any ambitious goals about this, just enough to keep me active constantly.
No brainer. If you google meditation benefits, you get 20 000 000 hits, many on peer reviewed journals. Meditation has physical and psychological benefits and a very low cost, so it's pretty easy to put it on the list.
Sleep quality
Another easy one. Sleeping is such a huge issue just quantitatively in anyone's life, that it merits effort. If possible, I'd rather concentrate more on the quality than quantity though. There's enough research on how sleeping too little cripples your immune system etc. so that I don't really want to minimize sleeping. Still, it's brilliant too brilliant to wake up before everyone else and have a moment for yourself, so I'll try to find ways to get most out of the hours I do spend sleeping.
Sleep quantity
See above.
Dream diary
Tried it before and it was tons of fun. I just can't keep up the habit, no matter what. I always take up writing a dream diary for a while, it works brilliantly and then I stop. Taking my history with this into account, keeping a dream diary regularly will need some life hacking and would have fun, if not maybe that important, payoffs.
Lucid dreaming
See above.
Keeping a diary is another pretty common and well known lifehack. Also, I seem to have no long term memory at all, so I guess I might appreciate having diaries at some point. Practically another no cost thing, so might as well.
Quantified Self
Might have to get some gadgets for this one. Still, measuring is the one way that you can actually know that something is happening. I've stopped biting my nails for a couple of times, but I just start again and might sometimes even miss that I have stopped it at somepoint, before starting again. Quantified Self -scene should be able to give me tools and information on how to measure stuff and ideas on what to measure.
Less Wrong
The online community Less Wrong has endless supply of stuff on rationality. Getting rid of some cognitive biases could be an effective goal, that could be helpful in life in general. Haven't delved deep into this, but there's bound to be Value and novelty value there.
Photo credit: Desiree Williams
Upgrading the Wetware